Books about TRT®

Written on 06/18/2018
Office Staff

In-print books about TRT® are available directly from TRTIA, which benefits the nonprofit. You may be able to obtain copies more quickly via, but please know that Amazon then gets the profits. If you can do it and would like to help TRTIA, write the office for a quote for shipping any of the following print books and materials. Thank you!

  • The New Expanded Reference Manual of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® (Third Edition) by Dr. Barbara Ray (print and Kindle editions)
  • The ‘Reiki’ Factor in The Radiance Technique®, Expanded Edition by Dr. Barbara Ray (print and Kindle editions)
  • The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki® — Managing Stress by Dr. Barbara Ray (print edition)
  • Reiki History: Real Reiki® from Japan to the Western World by Shoshana Shay (print and Kindle/Nook/Kobo editions)
  • The Authentic Reiki® (Das Authentische Reiki), Der ,Reiki’ Faktor in Der Radiance Technik® by Dr. Barbara Ray (translated into German by Margarete Keppel and Ulrike Wolf)
  • The Radiance Technique® and Cancer by Katherine Lenel (print edition)
  • The Radiance Technique® and AIDS by Van Ault (print edition)
  • We Are Timeless: The Radiance Technique® in Hospice Care by Christine Gross (print edition)
  • Die Radiance Technik®, Das authentische Reiki by Ulrike Wolf
  • The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®, Empowerment and Wellbeing Strategies with Surgery and Related Experiences by Yesnie Carrington (out of print)
  • Hypnotherapy and The Radiance Technique® by Van Ault [print & video, out of print]
  • The Radiance Technique® and Death and Dying by Anne Keltie [out of print]
  • The Radiance Technique® and The Animal Kingdom by Marvelle Lightfields [out of print]
  • The Radiance Technique® on the Job, Expanded Edition by Fred W. Wright, Jr. [out of print]
  • Did You Know? Volume I (desktop flipbook)
  • Did You Know? Volume II (desktop flipbook)
  • TRT® Practice Cards (box set of 200)